Supported gates

The following gates are FLO gates and supported by FLOYao.jl:

XGateTogether with Y the only gate that does not preserve fermionic parity
YGateSee above
RotationGate{⋯,⋯,ZGate}The only single qubit rotation gate since $R_x(θ)γ_i R_x(-θ)$ is not a linear combination of Majorana operators for all Majorana operators. Similar for $R_y$
PauliKronBlockA kronecker product of Pauli operators s.t. that first and last operator are either $X$ or $Y$ and all operators in between are $Z$.
RotationGate{⋯,⋯,PauliKronBlock}A rotation gate with generator as in the last line.
KronBlock{⋯,⋯,RotationGate{⋯}}Kronecker products of supported Rotation gates (i.e. those that are generated by supported PauliKronBlocks)
TimeEvolutionTime evolution with FLO hamiltonians, i.e. sums of PauliKronBlocks
AbstractMatrixUnless the gate type is already explicitely implemented or know to not be a FLO gate, FLOYao will try to automatically convert the gate matrix in the qubit basis to a matrix in the Majorana basis. But note that this is fairly slow (although still poly-time instead of exp-time)

If you want to add support to your own gates, read Adding support for custom gates to learn how to do that.