
struct BooleanFunction <: Instruction

A boolean function is a command that takes in a register as an argument and computes a boolean value that is written back into one of the register slots.

  • name: "bfunc".
  • mask: Hex value which is applied as an AND to the register bits. In the given example ,"0xF" uses the first 4 bits of the register. The backend may put constraints

on the number of register bits that can be used in this function.

  • relation: Relational operator for comparing the masked register to the val

("=": equals, "!=" not equals).

  • val: Value to which to compare the masked register. In other words, the output

of the function is (register AND mask) relation val. In the above example this is true when the first 4 register bits are "0101"

  • register: Register slot in which to store the boolean function result. This

register value can then be used to apply conditional commands (see the following sections).

  • memory (optional): Memory slot in which to store the boolean function result.
struct CopyFunction <: Instruction

A copy function is a command that copies a register slot.

  • name: "copy".
  • register_orig: Register slot to copy.
  • register_copy: Register slot(s) to copy to.
struct DeviceInfo <: IBMQSchema

The backend will have a method Backend.configuration() which returns the required backend config data structure. Backends can include additional items to this structure.

  • backend_name: Unique (to provider) backend identifier name. This could describe

a setup that goes through several changes, but retains common elements (e.g., for a physical device backend this could include the same coupling map and the physical location, etc.) backend version: Backend version string in the form "X.X.X". Versions could indicate, e.g., code changes, equipement upgrades, different cooldowns, new optimizations, etc.

  • n_qubits: Number of qubits in the backend. Simulator backends return "-1".
  • basis_gates: List of the available gates on the backend as an array of gate names

(these should match the entries in gates).

  • coupling_map: Representation of the physical coupling map on the device (the

coupling maps for each gate are defined in gates).

  • gates: List of the available gates on the backend as a gate config data structure, see GateInfo.
  • local: Backend runs locally (true) or online (false).
  • simulator: Backend is a simulator (true) or an experimental device (false).
  • conditional: Backend supports conditional gates (true) or does not (false).

Individual gates may also support or not support conditionals.

  • configurable: Backend (if simulator) is configurable (true). If true then there

are user specified configuration parameters (e.g., the topology, noise parameters, etc.). The data structure for these settings is set by the specific backend.

  • n_registers (required if conditional is true): Specifies the number of registers

slots (i.e. the number of register bits) that are available for conditional operations. Each register can hold a bit value.

  • register_map (required if conditional is true): Specifies the registers that each

qubit can store measurements. For this example, qubits 0 and 1 can store in registers 0 and 1, qubit 2 in registers 2 and 3, and qubits 3 and 4 in registers 3 and 4.

  • open_pulse: OpenPulse experiments are accepted on this backend.

The configuration structure may also have the following optional fields,

  • online_date: Date that the backend was put online.
  • display_name: Alternate name for the backend that is more descriptive that can

be used for display purposes.

  • sample_name: Name of the sample for this given backend (likely blank for a


  • description: String to describe the backend.
  • url: Internet address to the backend (if applicable).
  • tags: List of tag strings for the backend that indicate true/false properties, e.g.,

"credits_required" (backend requires credits to run). Any absent tag means that the property is false and new tags can be added.

  • quantum_volume: quantum volume of given device.
  • max_experiments: maximum experiment.
  • max_shots: maximum shot can spawn.
struct ExpConfig <: IBMQSchema
  • shots: Number of times to repeat the experiment (for some simulators this may

be limited to 1, e.g., a unitary simulator).

  • memory_slots: Number of classical memory slots used in this job. Memory slots

are used to record the results of qubit measurements and read out at the end of an experiment. They cannot be used for feedback (those are the registers).

  • seed (optional): Randomization seed for simulators.
  • max_credits (optional): For credit-based backends, the maximum number of

credits that a user is willing to spend on this run (an error will be thrown if the run required more than max credits).

struct ExpData <: IBMQSchema

The measurement data that is returned in exp data has one of several possible forms: as a histogram of counts of the memory states, the memory, or (for simulators) the statevector or unitary matrix.

  • counts: Histogram of counts in the different memory states. Only states with

non-zero counts are listed as keys. The states are labeled in hex (e.g., a 4 slot memory "1010" (bit string) is decimal 10 and hex "0xA").

  • memory: State of the classical memory. For OpenQASM (or OpenPulse Level 2)

this is a list of hex strings indicating the state for each shot.

  • statevector (optional): Final statevector corresponding to evolution of the zero state.
  • unitary (optional): Final unitary matrix corresponding to the quantum circuit.
  • snapshots (optional): Snapshots data structure that returns data as dictated by the snapshot

command used by simulators.


The snapshot is a special command reserved for simulators which allows a "snapshot" of the simulator state to be recorded.

    "name": "snapshot",
    "label": "snap1",
    "type": "state"
  • name: "snapshot".
  • label: Snapshot label which is used to identify the snapshot in the output.
  • type: Type of snapshot, e.g., "state" (take a snapshot of the quantum state).

The types of snapshots offered are defined in a separate specification document for simulators.

struct ExpResult <: IBMQSchema

Each individual experiment returns an exp result data structure.

  • shots: If a single integer, then this is the number of shots taken to obtain this

data ($s = n₁$). If the backend allows asynchronous calls to measurement, the value of $n₂$ will increase as more data is taken. For backends that return the data in sections (e.g. for bandwidth reasons) shots is given as a two-element list where the data is from shot $n₁$ to shot $n₂$ ($s = n₂ − n₁$). The next call will give the data starting at $n₂ + 1$.

  • status: Status message for this particular experiment.
  • success: Success of the experiment (bool).
  • header (optional): Header structure for the experiment that was passed in with the Qobj.
  • seed (optional): Experiment seed (for simulator backends).
  • meas_return (optional): String which determines whether the returned data is

averaged over the shots avg or contains each shot single. This is an OpenPulse option, but could also apply to snapshots.

  • data: Generic return experiment data structure exp data that will depend on

the type of experiment ("QASM" or "PULSE") and/or the type of backend (e.g. simulator data). See below.

struct Experiment <: IBMQSchema
  • header (optional): User-defined structure that contains metadata on each experiment and

is not used by the backend. The header will be passed through to the result data structure unchanged. For example, this may contain a fitting parameters for the experiment. In addition, this header can contain a mapping of backend memory and backend qubits to OpenQASM registers. This is because an OpenQASM circuit may contain multiple classical and quantum registers, but Qobj flattens them into a single memory and single set of qubits.

  • config (optional): Configuration structure for user settings that can be different in each

experiment. These will override the configuration settings of the whole job. See ExpConfig.

  • instructions: List of sequence commands that define the experiment. See Instruction.
struct Gate <: Instruction
  • name: Name of the gate.
  • qubits: List of qubits to apply the gate.
  • params (optional): List of parameters for the gate (if the gate has parameters,

such as u1, u2, u3).

  • texparams (optional): List of parameters for the gate in latex notation.
  • conditional (optional): Apply the gate if the given register (in this example

register 3) is 1 (true) and conditionals are supported. If left blank then the gate has no conditional element (i.e. no feedback). By default this is blank.

struct GateInfo <: IBMQSchema

The gate config data structure has the following keys.

  • name: Gate name, as it will be referred to in the OpenQASM circuit.
  • parameters: List of parameters for the gate (empty if no parameters).
  • coupling_map (optional): List of qubits that the gate applies to, each element of the list is

an n-qubit list where n is the size of the gate (e.g. 1-qubit gate, 2-qubit gate).

  • qasm_def: OpenQASM definition of the gate in terms of the basis gates [U,CX].

Each unitary gate has an efficient representation in this basis.

  • conditional (optional): Gate supports conditional operation (true/false). If not

listed then defaults to the backend setting.

  • latency_map (optional): List for each gate of length n registers that indicates

if the feedback speed to the register is fast (1) or slow (0). In the above example the u3 gate for qubit 0 has low latency for conditionals to register 0, but qubits 1 and 2 have low latency to both registers 1 and 2.

  • description (optional): Description of the gate.
struct GateProp <: IBMQSchema
  • qubits: Qubits involved in the gate.
  • gate: Gate name, must be one of the gates from "gates" in the backend configuration structure.
  • parameters: List of parameter structures which could generically include "gate_err"

(by gate error we mean the 1−Favg for the particular gate) and "gate_time". Note that each backend may measure gate error using different methodologies, this will have to be conveyed by the backend over separate channels (e.g. at the URL).

struct JobStatus <: IBMQSchema

A call to Job.status() returns back a job status data structure of the following form.

  • job_id: Backend generated id corresponding to this job (this will only be nonzero

if the job has been successfully initialized and accepted to run on the backend).

  • status: String value corresponding to the job status ("ERROR","QUEUED",


  • status_msg: Backend defined status message.
struct Measure <: Instruction
  • name: "measure".
  • qubits: List of qubits to measure.
  • memory: List of memory slots in which to store the measurement results (must

be the same length as qubits). Subsequent measurements that write to the same memory slot will overwrite the previous measurement.

  • register (optional): List of register slots in which to store the measurement

results (must be the same length as qubits). These can be used for fast feedback (if allowed). The allowed slots for a qubit may be constrained by the backend register map.

struct NDUV <: IBMQSchema

Each of the parameters is expressed as a nduv struct (name-date-unit-value structure) as below,

struct Properties <: IBMQSchema

The backend will have a call which will return a backend props data structure with backend properties (e.g. calibrations and coherences). Note that this information is optionally provided by the backend, which will set how often and/or under what conditions calibrations and characterizations need to be updated.

  • backend_name, backend_version: Backend identifiers (from Backend.configuration())

that specify what backend these results were obtained from.

  • last_update_date: Date/time of the last run calibration.
  • gates: List of the qubit gate parameters (as a gate prop structure, see below).
  • qubits: List of list of qubit parameters (e.g. coherences) which is in order of the

qubits. The qubit parameters could generically include “T1”, “T2”, “readoutErr” and “frequency”.

  • general: List of general backend parameters, see NDUV.
struct Qobj <: IBMQSchema

Experiments are loaded in through the backend using a Qobj data structure which encapsulates the user configuration settings and experiment sequences.

  • qobj_id: User generated run identifier
  • type: Type of experiment, can be either "QASM" for openQASM experiments or "PULSE" for OpenPulse experiments.
  • schema_version: Version of the schema that was used to generate and validate this Qobj.
  • experiments: : List of m experiment sequences to run. Each experiment is an

experiment data structure. Each experiment is run once in the order that they are specified in this list and then the sequence is repeated until the specified number of shots has been performed.

  • header (optional): User-defined structure that contains metadata on the job and is not used

by the backend. The header will be passed through to the result data structure unchanged. For example, this may contain a description of the full job and/or the backend that the experiments were compiled for.

  • config: Configuration settings structure, see also ExpConfig.
struct Result <: IBMQSchema

The results data structure from Job.result().

  • backend_name, backend_version: Backend identifiers that specify what backend these results were obtained from.
  • qobj_id: User generated id corresponding to the qobj id in the Qobj.
  • job_id: Unique backend job identifier corresponding to these results.
  • date: Date when the job was run.
  • header (optional): Header structure for the job that was passed in with the Qobj.
  • results: List of m (number of experiments) exp result data structures (defined below).
struct Status <: IBMQSchema

The backend will have a call Backend.status() which returns status information on the backend in the backend status structure (only the operational and status msg fields are required),

  • backend_name, backend_version: Backend identifiers that specify the backend.
  • operational: Backend is operational (true/false), i.e., currently running jobs.
  • pending_jobs: Number of jobs in the queue for the backend (if no queue return


  • status_msg: Status message for the backend. For example, `"The backend is down

for calibration, will be back at 19:00"`.
